Adam's Headquarters!

Hello and thank you for visiting my page. Did you like my intro? I normally don't type like that, I just wanted to stand out a bit =P.

I have a twin sister and an older brother. I get along with them most of the time so that's good to hear. I also enjoy playing video games and some of my favourite series are Mario, Zelda and The Sims. If I am stuck, I go to GameFAQS for help.

You should know this character.

I also have an interest in lucid dreaming. What is lucid dreaming you may ask? It is when you are in a dream and know you are dreaming. Has that ever happened to you? This is the site I go to.

My favourite anime is One Piece. It is about a group of pirates sailing around the world trying to find the legendary treasure One Piece. Watch the first 6 openings on youtube here

These are the Strawhat Pirates.

. One more thing, This. Is. Crazy.

I don't know what else to put down. Hmmmm....oh yeah the song that is playing is a remix of the Super Mario Bros. Theme. I'm sure you've figured it out by now.

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<bgsound src="SMBMIX.mid" loop=infinite>